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Anellotech to scale up Bio-TCat technology

22nd November 2018

Submitted by:

Andrew Warmington

Sustainable technology company Anellotech has confirmed significant progress in its Bio-TCat technology development programme and has begun planning for scale- up design and engineering of a commercial plant with its process development and design partner IFPEN and commercialisation, engineering and licensing partner, Axens.

Anellotech is pioneering an innovative manufacturing process to produce cost- competitive renewable chemicals and fuels from non-food biomass. Its patented Bio-TCat thermal-catalytic technology produces a mixture of benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX), which can be used to make polymers such as polyester, polycarbonate and nylon, or high-octane gasoline blendstock.

Commercially-viable process yields and catalyst performance has now been achieved at economic design conditions at Anellotech’s TCat-8 pilot unit in Silsbee, Texas. TCat-8 has demonstrated consistently stable operation of major process steps and recycle loops, with highly- accurate analytic confirmation.