Cambrex completes Estonia kilo lab
Submitted by:
Andrew Warmington
Cambrex has completed the upgrade of the kilo lab at its facility in Tallinn, Estonia, manufacture pharmaceutical intermediates to cGMP standards. The company said that this would “accelerate the progression and tech transfer of projects within the early clinical development phases”.
The project, which was assisted by Cambrex Karlskoga in Sweden, saw a new 160-litre reactor train installed in the lab, expanding Tallinn’s capabilities in manufacturing material for clinical trials and allow early phase projects to be developed further prior to tech transfer and scale-up. Preparation for GMP qualification is under way.
The site stands adjacent to Tallinn University of Technology’s campus and custom organic synthesis and contract research, analytical and development services. It also has 150-litre glass and stainless steel reactors, which will continue to offer kilo-scale manufacturing of materials for pre-clinical toxicological study applications.
This came a few weeks after Cambrex announced that it is to double the footprint of its cGMP analytical testing laboratories in Longmont, Colorado, repurposing existing space to add about 165 m2. Also being added are more chromatographic equipment, including uHPLC, HPLC, GC-FID/HS, and dissolution equipment plus support equipment including ten chemical fume hoods and working bench space.
Cambrex acquired Longmont with Avista Pharma Solutions in 2019. It supports the development and manufacture of small molecule drug substance and drug product and provides full analytical development and cGMP testing support from discovery through to clinical scale.