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CEFIC joins in clean tech request to EC

30th October 2023

Submitted by:

Andrew Warmington

CEFIC joined other associations representing Europe’s clean technology industries and their key material suppliers to send a joint letter to European Commission (EC) President Ursula von der Leyen ahead of a European Council summit. This called for “urgent and comprehensive action from the EC and Member State governments to maximise the growth potential of the Green Deal and ensure a compelling business case for clean energy supply chains in Europe, from the raw material to the product”.

Any EU Industrial Deal, it added, “must create a compelling business case for investments and competitiveness across the European clean energy supply chain, including technology producers, materials suppliers, and other critical sectors”. Five pillars are seen as vital to achieving this:

1. New agile and EU-level finance: meaning easier access for companies to existing EU financial tools at first, and new sources of EU-level funding specifically allocated to clean energy supply chains in future

2. Fast-track permitting for production and deployment, enforced at national level

3. Competitive energy prices

4. A level playing field for open strategic autonomy: Europe should design its industry and trade policies strategically to support clean tech manufacturing and supply chain goals

5. Appropriate market incentives to develop full domestic supply chains