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Clariant opens Java supply base

27th March 2019

Submitted by:

Andrew Warmington

Clariant has officially opened a new supply base at Bojonegoro, East Java, in a ceremony attended by government officials and local customers. This, the company said, will provide its customers of its Oil Services business in Indonesia with an improved supply chain for its pour point depressant (PPD) and drag reducing agent (DRA) products, in line with the specific requirements of the oil industry.

An internal chemicals management team worked on this project for nearly two years. Bernie Kelly, head of Oil & Mining Services business unit in the Asia Pacific region, said: “The design and engineering of our Bojonegoro supply base meets stringent quality control process and relevant laboratory screening tests … Having set up this new base, we have proved our ability to deliver a large-scale project flawlessly and in a professional manner for the oil industry in our region.”