Investment in Tanasote plant
Submitted by:
Andrew Warmington
Octowood, a part of the Sweden’s Rundvirke Industrier Group, has invested in a new treatment plant using Arxada’s wood preservative, Tanasote. The company is one of Europe’s largest creosote treaters but wanted to offer an additional long-term wood protection option for pine used in fencing and power lines.
This followed extensive efficacy test data, including equestrian fencing trials, and reviewing the BPR risk assessments reports. “With it obtaining the maximum authorisation period before reauthorisation under BPR, we know it’s a wood preservative that is worth the significant investment to ensure we achieve quality in our treated wood with minimal impact on the environment,” said Octowood’s Tanasote project director Leif Berglund.
Tanasote combines organic biocides and copper in a mobile oil formulation. Arxada states that it protects against a wide spectrum of decay fungi, “with high penetration depth into the timbers, providing excellent water repellent properties for improved stability in service”. To date, it has been granted BPR authorisation for use as an industrial wood preservative for Use Classes 3 and 4 in 23 countries across Europe.