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Lanxess, Standard Lithium agree on next steps

24th February 2022

Submitted by:

Andrew Warmington

Lanxess and Standard Lithium have signed an agreement under which the latter will conduct a front-end engineering design study to evaluate the economic viability and technical feasibility of an industrial-scale, battery grade, lithium carbonate plant at Lanxess’ site at El Dorado, Arkansas. This follows 20 months of testing at a pilot plant.

The final results are expected in Q4, the two companies stated. If the study is completed successful, Standard Lithium could build a plant at its own expense at one of the three sites in El Dorado.

Lanxess would have the option to buy the resulting material at a discount of up to 20% on the market price, to be determined together with the conclusion of other project-related supply and service agreements between the firms. It also has the right to take a stake of up to 49% in the company that is formed to market the product.