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New facility for Gelest

17th July 2023

Submitted by:

Andrew Warmington

Mitsubishi Chemical subsidiary Gelest has marked the groundbreaking for its latest production facility, the eighth in all, on a brownfield site at its headquarters in Morrisville, Pennsylvania. This will enhance its capabilities in applications such as microelectronics, medical devices, advanced thermal coatings and mobility, the firm stated.

Covering over 4,600 m2, the new facility is due to be completed by September 2024. During the first phase of production, Gelest plans to hire more than 25 employees, with additional recruitment phases to follow as the operation scales to match demand. This will roughly double employment levels at the site.

Key features in the new facility will include equipment for the development, analysis, packaging and large-scale manufacturing of highly specialised chemistries. To ensure quality and chemical purity, it will also have a 275 m2 ISO 7 cleanroom featuring advanced analytical instrumentation.