Three partner on chemical emergencies
Submitted by:
Andrew Warmington
CEFIC, BASF Site Emergency Team (SERT) and the European Commission’s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO)’s Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) have combined to form a partnership aimed at improving the European chemical industry’s collective capabilities in responding to chemical emergencies. Under the European Anthropogenic Scientific Partnership, Chemical Pillar (EAHSP-C), each will have specific responsibilities:
- EFCC: Overseeing emergency coordination and response, plus financial support
- CEFIC: Managing the existing Intervention in Chemical Emergencies (ICE) scheme, coordinating tests and training, monitoring ICE network performance and liaising with national centres and national scheme administrators.
- SERT: Providing situational overviews, risk assessments, and dispersion forecasts, plus containment strategies, technical expertise and practical support
“The collaboration represents a significant step forward in chemical emergency management in Europe and global chemical emergency support,” CEFIC said. It combines industry expertise with emergency response coordination to benefit all stakeholders involved.”