AGC to expand in Spain
Submitted by:
Andrew Warmington
Japan’s AGC has announced plans for a new, 7,500 m2 building at the site of its AGC Pharma Chemicals Europe CDMO operation in Spain. Costing about $100 million, this is scheduled to begin operation in 1H 2024 and will add 30% to the site’s capacity. This comes on top of a 30% increase in capacity announced in April 2020.
The new expansion will include HPAPI capacity and AGC said that it will “consider additional capacity expansion in the near future, since the newly constructed building has additional room for further expansion”. The company added that its CDMO business is outpacing the market as a whole, which is itself growing at 7%/year.
The plant, near Barcelona, was originally known as Malgrat Pharma Chemicals. AGC acquired it from Boehringer Ingelheim in March 2019 to establish a synthetic pharmaceutical production capability in Europe. The 2020 addition also saw a new micronisation facility and a new R&D facility.