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CordenPharma opens SPPS capacity

7th September 2023

Submitted by:

Andrew Warmington

CordenPharma has begun commercial peptide production with additional capacity at upgraded facilities at its site in Colorado, which is the world’s largest solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) facility. About 60 new jobs have been created with more potentially to follow. 

The company had begun capital investments in early 2023 as part of a general worldwide expansion that also includes sterile injectables and LNP formulation and fill-finish capacity at other sites. New additions at the Colorado site include: 

*Upgrades to the existing 10,000 litre reactor volume with a batch size exceeding 400 kg and capacity of >2 tonnes/year

* A 50% increase in downstream HPLC purification capacity

* Automation upgrades that allow a reduction in overall cycle time, greater scale-up consistency and the elimination of human error

* PAT for amino acid identification to avoid errors in peptide sequence, and ready-to-use process intensification with continuous washing and reaction monitoring

* Modernisation of critical infrastructure for increased efficiency of solvent delivery and effluent removal, including up to 20,000 litres of deprotection capacity, cleavage and isolation of crude peptide in line with the expansion