End looms for UK registrations
Submitted by:
Andrew Warmington
ECHA has announced that all REACH registrations submitted by UK-based manufacturers, importers and only representatives that have not gone through all the steps required to complete the registration, both by the registrant and the agency by 31 December, will not be processed further. This date marks the end of the transition period for the UK’s departure from the EU.
In addition, any transfer of registrations by a UK company needs to be initiated before 31 December and accepted by the successor by 31 March at the latest. Failing to do so will lead to the revocation of the registrations. This means in practice that, after the transition period:
* All pending UK submissions in REACH-IT will be terminated
* No registration numbers will be issued to UK companies
* Companies in the UK cannot perform any actions as duty holders in REACH-IT
* All registrations held by or returned to UK companies will be revoked gradually in REACH-IT
This does not apply to dossiers submitted by companies in Northern Ireland who have updated their country code in REACH-IT. REACH continues to apply there, due to the Protocol on Ireland & Northern Ireland.