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Tool shows EPA progress lagging, say ACC

23rd June 2023

Submitted by:

Andrew Warmington

The American Chemistry Council (ACC) has announced a new tool designed the progress of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) New Chemicals Program under the revised Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). “We want this tool to encourage more accountability and increased transparency in new chemical reviews,” the association stated.

Based on public data EPA sources, the tool is said to provide a transparent overview of the total number of new chemicals undergoing TSCA review and those reviewed within the TSCA-mandated 90-day deadline or exceeding it. It also includes findings on pre-manufacture notices, and TSCA Section 5 LVE and LoRex exemptions.

Currently, the ACC revealed, only 36 of 397 new chemicals have been under review for <90 days, while 361 (91%) have been in a backlog of over 90. It warned that such uncertainty and delays could have an impact on key administration priorities, including implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act, the CHIPS Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, as well as harming US competitiveness.

On 13 June 13, the ACC released a new report offering seven chemical management approaches that it said the EPA “should consider to enhancing US supply chain resiliency and the onshoring of American manufacturing through TSCA implementation”. The report also includes recommendations on TSCA new and existing chemicals review processes.